
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fresh Tomato Salad

This post is all wrong and I just want you to know that I am aware of this fact. I'm writing to you about tomatoes in November from Fairbanks, Alaska. This salad screams fresh tomato and herbs from the garden. Ever since I returned from San Francisco I can't stop thinking about the heirloom tomato salad I had at Fish and Farm. It doesn't help that I drove all the way out to Pt. Reyes station just so I could bring some of this Blue Cheese home with me. Even though I have tossed the cheese on salads of romaine and smeared it across sliced pears, I still needed this salad.
I'm not a huge fan of recipes with step-by-step photos. I am one to say, "Just give me the recipe" and scroll to the bottom of the page. This one is so amazingly simple I couldn't resist...

1. Add three tablespoons of the best olive oil your money can buy to the bottom of a medium size plate. Tilt the plate to get full coverage. If you are like me and live in Fairbanks, that would probably be Newman's Own Organic. I was wishing I had some of the good stuff I order from Zingerman's, but I didn't want to wait to have it shipped.
2. Add approximately one tablespoon of the best Balsamic Vinegar your money can buy. Again, I used Newman's Own.
3. Add about 1/8 teaspoon of Fleur de Sel or other high quality sea salt, and a couple of turns of fresh ground pepper.
4. Find the most beautiful tomato growing in your garden still warm from the sun, or if you are like me pay $4.00 for one heirloom tomato at Fred Meyer.
5. While you are out in your garden, pick some fresh basil. I use kitchen sheers to make these lovely ribbons. If your herb garden is covered in snow like mine, well just pick up some fresh basil in the produce aisle.
6. Top the whole thing off with the Best Blue Cheese you can find. If you live in the San Francisco area I recommend the one from Pt. Reyes. Finally, close your eyes and take a bite. You might for a moment believe that you are actually standing in your garden surrounded by warm tomatoes and fresh basil, even if it is November in Fairbanks and 15 degrees outside.


  1. Those tomatoes and blue cheese look absolutely delicious. What a wonderful photo. And thanks so much for stopping by my blog today.

  2. Gorgeous photo. I could taste all of it!


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