
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pan-Roasted Brussels Sprout Gratin

When I am left to fend for myself, dinner never really resembles dinner. I might have a baked chicken breast for dinner, or maybe roasted garlic mashed potatoes, or maybe a some simple roasted vegetables. The thing I never have is all three in one meal. I just don't have the motivation to cook an elaborate meal for myself. There is one exception to that rule. There is nothing that will make me clean my house top to bottom and make myself a three course Sunday dinner except a looming deadline at work. You see I was supposed to be writing a presentation and instead I took the dogs for a walk (twice), did several loads of laundry, cleaned, vacuumed, re-organized my bookshelves, and dusted. In addition I made myself a complete dinner that included this wonderful Brussels Sprout dish. I made it a couple times last year, but never got around to sharing it. This time of year when the Brussels Sprouts are fresh and sold on the stalk at the Farmer's Market I love enjoying them in a more simple fashion such as these Pan-Browned Brussels Sprouts. Since I was procrastinating I decided to go all out. This isn't exactly a light dish, but I bet you could get even the most determined Brussels Sprout hater to eat these ones.
So, what's your favorite way to procrastinate a looming deadline? The even bigger question, are you a Brussels Sprout lover or hater? Do you have a favorite way to serve them?