Thank you all for visiting my site in 2010. Here are some of my favorites from this past year, the items that have been made many times and will find their way to our table again in 2011. Happy New Year!
In Season
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Salted Brown Butter Rice Krispy Treats
Ok, I couldn't take the Black and White theme anymore. I had to change the colors. I feel better already! I am trying to give the blog more of a Fairbanks feel, but the grey was just too much. After all, it's almost the new year and with solstice behind us the days are getting longer. They say the temperatures are supposed to get up to 20 degrees by this Saturday. That is 20 above zero. I notice as time goes on that we just say it is 20 degrees, when it is actually 20 below.
I have made these Rice Krispy treats several times since they were first posted on the Smitten Kitchen blog. They are the grown up version of rice krispy treats. What does that mean exactly? Well, with the addition of salt, they become quite addictive. They have that whole salty sweet thing going on. I'm not a huge regular rice krispy treat fan, but every once in a while I want something with that chewy texture. These really do the trick. I always have to make sure to make them when I am going somewhere, otherwise half the pan disappears and innocent people (puppies) get blamed.
I have made these Rice Krispy treats several times since they were first posted on the Smitten Kitchen blog. They are the grown up version of rice krispy treats. What does that mean exactly? Well, with the addition of salt, they become quite addictive. They have that whole salty sweet thing going on. I'm not a huge regular rice krispy treat fan, but every once in a while I want something with that chewy texture. These really do the trick. I always have to make sure to make them when I am going somewhere, otherwise half the pan disappears and innocent people (puppies) get blamed.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Peanut Blossoms

As we finished up our Christmas dinner, David and I got to talking about the end of the year. His feeling was that the year should be over at Christmas. Christmas, more than any other holiday is a marker of milestones. I have to agree that I do more reflecting on Christmas day than I do on New Year's Day. On New Year's Day I mostly reflect on what I drank the night before. But I disagree that the year should end with Christmas. This week between Christmas and New Year's Day is very important for transition. What other time of year is it encouraged to eat yourself into a coma for a month and then go on a crash diet and re-organize your life? I usually start eating a little healthier during this week, but at the same time I always purchase one last carton of egg nog and slowly come to grips with the fact that there will be no more Christmas cookies for breakfast. Although there is no reason I couldn't make them year round, I rarely make peanut blossoms outside of the Christmas season. So I will have just a few more cookies (or maybe a batch) this week, maybe with a glass of egg nog (it might have to be milk, the grocery didn't have any in stock today) by the fire while I pull out all my books and plan to make 2011 the best one yet.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Still looking for something delicious and super easy to make Christmas morning? Pannukaku is a traditional Finnish Breakfast dish usually served with jam. It is related to crepes, swedish pancakes, and I believe most resembles the Dutch Baby. It is definitely more buttery (making it good for special occasions as you might only want to eat it once a year) and a little more custardy. Although I never had it growing up it was very popular where I lived. They even serve it at a local restaurant, The Suomi Cafe where the pronunciation sounds more like Bunn-oo-guck-oo. The pronunciation is probably more Yooper (a person living in Michigan's Upper Peninsula) than Finnish.Now, I have to stop in for breakfast and Pannukakku every time I visit. Traditionally, I believe it is supposed to be served with Lingonberry Jam. The Suomi Cafe serves it with Raspberry, and David eats it with Maple Syrup. I say make your own traditions. We will being eating our traditional cinnamon rolls, but if I thought I could get away with something this simple I would! Happy Holidays everyone.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Peppermint Candy Cane Cupcakes
Every Christmas time I always have to make at least one thing with crushed candy canes. If I don't, then I at least add them to heavy cream to top hot chocolate. It just isn't Christmas for me without it. Lately, I get all my cupcake ideas from Trophy Cupcakes Facebook feed. When I saw they were making candy cane cupcakes I knew I had to have one. The problem: Trophy Cupcakes is in Seattle. I decided I would search out my own. A candy cane cupcake search produced a lot of cupcakes with boxed cake mix. Not exactly what I was going for. Luckily I thought to search Peppermint Cupcakes and came up with this great recipe that I was able to adapt for candy canes. I was able to create exactly what I was looking for, the cake is subtly flavored (more vanilla), and the frosting packs a nice peppermint punch.
I already had the box of Christmas decorations on the dining room table. I pulled out the lights and turned them on to take these photos. I heard a little crunching noise until the table, I figured our pup had scavenged up some broken bits of candy cane on the floor. Turns out he was chomping away at our Christmas lights under there! Looks like I need to add new lights to the shopping list...
I already had the box of Christmas decorations on the dining room table. I pulled out the lights and turned them on to take these photos. I heard a little crunching noise until the table, I figured our pup had scavenged up some broken bits of candy cane on the floor. Turns out he was chomping away at our Christmas lights under there! Looks like I need to add new lights to the shopping list...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Salisbury Steak
Am I the only one who woke up this morning to realize there are no weekend days left before Christmas? Am I the only one who has not even begun to shop yet (except for the fact that I had to go to the Feed Store and got suckered into the Christmas clearance section for our furry friends)? Do you still have presents to wrap, trees to decorate, and holiday menus to plan? This is an easy, quick weeknight meal.
A few weeks ago David and I were chatting about the kind of food we ate growing up. I shared the fact that on occasion we had TV dinners. After the initial shock, David asked what my favorites had been. I was a big fan of Salisbury Steak, well not so much the steak as the chocolate cake that came with it. With hesitation he then asked, "What is Salisbury Steak"? When I saw this recipe in the most recent Cooking Light magazine I couldn't resist. Turns out that this Salisbury Steak even without the chocolate cake as incentive can be pretty good.
A few weeks ago David and I were chatting about the kind of food we ate growing up. I shared the fact that on occasion we had TV dinners. After the initial shock, David asked what my favorites had been. I was a big fan of Salisbury Steak, well not so much the steak as the chocolate cake that came with it. With hesitation he then asked, "What is Salisbury Steak"? When I saw this recipe in the most recent Cooking Light magazine I couldn't resist. Turns out that this Salisbury Steak even without the chocolate cake as incentive can be pretty good.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Pumpkin Cake with Dulce de Leche Icing
Ok, I admit we are a little beyond pumpkin season. I also know I'm not the only one who stocked up on pumpkin this year. If you are one of those people who was worried about the pumpkin shortage and possibly have a little extra taking up space in your cupboards, this is the perfect recipe for you. This cake is super easy to make. It's one of those great things to bring to a potluck or anywhere else you want to feed a lot of people. The original recipe was called Pumpkin Bars. A friend told me that it came out more like cake in the recommended 9x13 inch pan, so I put it in a 10x15 hoping for bars. The results... still cake, but a might moist and flavorful one. Also, I realized that I was not going to have enough icing to cover a larger cake and decided to add Dulce de Leche to the icing. What a happy little accident, it really added to the overall flavor.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Green Apple and Shallot Raita
At the end of each semester all of the professional staff in my office gathers together to make a feast for our student employees during exam week. It is a fun day and a great way to thank all of our students for the hard work they do. I always have a hard time deciding what to bring, so I wait until I see what all my other co-workers write on the sign up sheet and then I try and make something to compliment their dishes. I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I saw that one of my co-workers wrote 2 Indian dishes on the list. My favorite part of making Indian food is the Raitas and the Chutneys. I'm looking forward to making some new recipes, but I can guarantee this one will be at the top of my list for the feast next week.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Pignoli Cookies
Would you like a cookie that fell in the snowbank? I love the winter light in Fairbanks. We get very little of it, but what we do get is quite spectacular. The problem is that what we do get five days of the week falls during the hours that I am working. I enter my office in the dark and leave in the dark. That makes photographing food nearly impossible. A couple weeks ago I decided that I would bring these cookies to work to photograph them during my lunch hour. The good thing about college campuses is that you can photograph cookies outside in -10 degree weather and nobody gives you a second glance. Unfortunately, my fingers don't work so well in these temperatures and at one point I lost control of the entire plate and all the cookies fell into the snow. So, in case you were looking for the directions where you sprinkle the cookies with sugar, well that's not sugar!
Pignoli cookies are a traditional italian cookie. I had never tried them until a few weeks ago, but instantly fell in love with them. I knew I had to make them. The recipe I found looked pretty easy,in fact it is the only cookie recipe I have ever made that made exactly the number of cookies that the recipe yielded. They were just as good as the ones I had with burnt caramel ice cream at a restaurant in San Francisco.
When I returned to work I jokingly asked if anyone would like a cookie that fell in the snowbank. Well, they must have been pretty good, because someone ate the whole plate!
Pignoli cookies are a traditional italian cookie. I had never tried them until a few weeks ago, but instantly fell in love with them. I knew I had to make them. The recipe I found looked pretty easy,in fact it is the only cookie recipe I have ever made that made exactly the number of cookies that the recipe yielded. They were just as good as the ones I had with burnt caramel ice cream at a restaurant in San Francisco.
When I returned to work I jokingly asked if anyone would like a cookie that fell in the snowbank. Well, they must have been pretty good, because someone ate the whole plate!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Homemade Vanilla Extract
We have had some crazy weather here in Fairbanks this last week. A huge storm that came in last Monday gave most of us that worked at the University the whole week off. Today was the first time I had been into town in over a week. I must say that I was surprised to see that Christmas is in full swing at our local Fred Meyer store, music and all. Although I have never been one to shop on Black Friday, this year I couldn't help but notice it seems that everyone is encouraging us to spend more money this year. Seriously, even The Nature Conservancy is participating in "Green Monday". While I support the idea of being "Green", what does that really mean? So, I tried to think of some Green Holiday gifts to share with you here. The first thing that came to mind is something I use quite often in my kitchen. I call it the never ending bottle of vanilla. The one in the picture above is from my kitchen cupboard. Every time I finish off a vanilla bean I stick it in the jar, so this one is quite packed. For starting out or gift giving, two vanilla beans per 8 ounces will do the trick. If you don't use as many vanilla beans as I do during the year you can just split the bean in half and use the seeds and all, or you could scrape the seeds out and put them in a pretty jar with some sugar and make that a gift as well. This is a super easy holiday gift to make and it eliminates all the little jars of vanilla extract that you would normally use. Even the most adverse to cooking person in your life uses vanilla every once in a while and if not, well it is basically vanilla infused vodka. They can make their favorite vanilla flavored adult beverage.
To make Homemade Vanilla Extract you will need the following for each bottle. I recommend buying in bulk and making several at a time. One of my favorite places to shop for vanilla beans is Beanilla. If you buy in bulk you can get them for about 80 cents a piece, a real steal in Fairbanks where I once saw one Vanilla Bean for $17.95.
1 8 ounce bottle with secure sealing lid
2 Vanilla Beans
approximately 7 ounces of vodka (don't bother using the good stuff, it doesn't matter)
Cut the Vanilla Beans in half (I use kitchen scissors), either scrape out the seeds to use for another purpose or place the whole bean in the bottle. Fill bottle to top with vodka. Seal the bottle. Put in a cool, dark place for about 3-4 weeks. Use as you would vanilla extract. Keep a bottle of vodka handy. Each time you use some of the vanilla, top the bottle off with a little more vodka. If you notice the vanilla getting a little light in color after a year or so replenish the beans.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Veggie Wellingtons
It's that time of year again. The next six weeks are a blur of turkey, sugar cookies, pumpkin, candy canes, and egg nog. I have been wanting to make Veggie Wellingtons for year, I always thought if I had a vegetarian friend come over for the holidays that I would make the Mushroom Wellingtons from the Cafe Flora Cookbook. Unfortunately, they take three days to make and without the motivation I don't see them happening any time soon. But, when I saw these in the New York times a few weeks ago I decided to make them for dinner one night, a weeknight even! I'm not a big fan of cutting up uncooked squash, which is recommended in the original recipe, so I subbed sweet potatoes. They turned out beautifully. They would indeed make a great main dish for a vegetarian Thanksgiving. We will be having the usual Turkey with all the trimmings, but that won't stop me from making these Veggie Wellingtons again soon.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Madeira Bay Pork Chops
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Bay Potatoes

Many years ago I went to see a movie called "Our Daily Bread" with a few friends. I had seen movies, too many to count about the production of beef and chicken in the United States. So, the majority of the movie was not all that shocking to me except for the olives. Yes, the olives. I had become desensitized to the killing of animals, but the harvesting of olives with the mechanical vibrating machine still sticks with me to this day. After the movie we joked that we couldn't go out for a martini because even our olives are tortured. The issue wasn't so much my concern for the olive tree, but the fact that I didn't know how olives were harvested. I consider myself to be a person who is well versed in the language of food. Most often I know what a food is, where it comes from, how it was harvested and what it looked like before it hit the grocery store shelves. So I was shocked when recently I realized that I had no idea where bay leaves came from. A common ingredient in my kitchen that I use at least once a week. If pressed, I would have guessed that they grow on trees, but couldn't have come up with much more than that. I never really thought about Bay Leaves until I went to visit Karen Morss in her home in California. I went primarily to meet Karen and see the Lemon trees that provide me with Meyer Lemons each winter.While I was there Karen showed me the Bay tree growing out by her driveway. It wasn't until I smelled a fresh Bay leaf that I finally understood them. I have always honestly wondered about the purpose of Bay leaves in cooking, they didn't really seem to smell or taste like much. After smelling the fresh ones I finally get it. The small branch Karen cut from her tree netted about 60 or so leaves. most recipes only call for one or two at a time. I wanted to use them while they were still fresh, so I was thrilled to find this recipe for Bay potatoes that calls for 12 Bay leaves. The whole house smelled wonderful after baking these potatoes. I highly recommend using fresh Bay leaves if you can find them.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Apple Cider Doughnuts
It has been many years since I lived near Grand Rapids, Michigan. It was only a short time that I was there, but each fall I still think about the apple orchards. One of my favorite's was a place close by our house called Robinette's Apple Haus. We used to ride our mountain bikes on their trails. All I could think about the entire ride was getting back for warm Apple Cider and Donuts. When I received the new book Doughnuts from Lara Ferroni about a month ago, the first thing I looked for was an apple cider donut. Sure enough, there was one. The original recipe states that these won't turn out as golden brown if you bake them instead of frying. I could barely tell the difference between this and a fried donut. They turned out nice and crisp on the outside and light on the inside. I also loved the addition of graham flour, gave the donuts a great texture and lots of added flavor. If you can't find graham flour, you can just replace it with all purpose.

Friday, November 12, 2010
Apple Parsnip Soup
Keeping a blog makes me realize how quickly things change around here. I can barely keep up. We do have snow on the ground now (not bare like these photos), but still just barely enough for skiing. Here's to hoping the temperatures stay warm enough for snow and maybe all we will need is a warm bowl of soup to keep us warm for the next six (or eight) months of winter.
I am thankful for a mild November. Dermot should have asked us if we were planning a new wood stove before he predicted the severe winter this year. It's like you can pretty much guarantee it will rain if you forget your rain jacket and a grizzly bear will walk right across your path if you forget your camera. So Fairbanksans, you can thank us for buying a new wood stove and filling up our wood shed. A very mild November indeed.
If you need a little something to keep you warm, but aren't quite ready to start up the wood stove, this soup might just do the trick. I love the flavor the parsnips added to this soup. A great weekend lunch.
I am thankful for a mild November. Dermot should have asked us if we were planning a new wood stove before he predicted the severe winter this year. It's like you can pretty much guarantee it will rain if you forget your rain jacket and a grizzly bear will walk right across your path if you forget your camera. So Fairbanksans, you can thank us for buying a new wood stove and filling up our wood shed. A very mild November indeed.
If you need a little something to keep you warm, but aren't quite ready to start up the wood stove, this soup might just do the trick. I love the flavor the parsnips added to this soup. A great weekend lunch.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Fresh Tomato Salad
This post is all wrong and I just want you to know that I am aware of this fact. I'm writing to you about tomatoes in November from Fairbanks, Alaska. This salad screams fresh tomato and herbs from the garden. Ever since I returned from San Francisco I can't stop thinking about the heirloom tomato salad I had at Fish and Farm. It doesn't help that I drove all the way out to Pt. Reyes station just so I could bring some of this Blue Cheese home with me. Even though I have tossed the cheese on salads of romaine and smeared it across sliced pears, I still needed this salad.
I'm not a huge fan of recipes with step-by-step photos. I am one to say, "Just give me the recipe" and scroll to the bottom of the page. This one is so amazingly simple I couldn't resist...
I'm not a huge fan of recipes with step-by-step photos. I am one to say, "Just give me the recipe" and scroll to the bottom of the page. This one is so amazingly simple I couldn't resist...
Monday, November 8, 2010
San Francisco Highlights
So many people along the way have asked about the research I did going into my trip to San Francisco. How did I decide where to eat, where to go, and what to do? Although I would like to think of myself as more spontaneous than I actually am, I did put a lot of time into researching this trip. The majority of the preliminary research came from blogs or reviews, but even more came from talking with people when I arrived in San Francisco. I went to places where I would meet like minded people who would stear me in the right direction.
Although this trip was centered on meeting Ruth Reichl, that opportunity was only part of the week.
My travel style is fairly laid back. I like to eat good food, but honestly I am on a limited budget. I am willing to grab a simple piece of fruit or a bit of cheese for lunch in order to save up both my appetitite and finances for a more spectacular dinner. Some days it is the lunch that becomes the focus and if eaten late enough I skip dinner altogether. One thing that became clear two days into the trip is that my Fairbanks palate and stomach was not going to be able to take all of the rich city food. I had a list of over 20 options for meals and snacks in 7 days. I had hoped to visit the majority of them. I barely put a dent in my original list, not to mention all the items that I added to the list as I met people along the way. I went all out on Sunday and Monday, by the time Tuesday rolled around the only meal I ate was a salad late in the afternoon.
So if you are headed to San Francisco sometime soon, here are my humble food related recommendations with a few photos from my trip as well:
Fish and Farm- The food and the service were solid. I enjoy eating at a place that feels like you are eating out without being too stuffy to the point of feeling uncomfortable. Fish and Farm had a casual atmosphere, yet the food was anything but casual. The selling point for me was actually the fact that they had fried chicken on their menu. It has been so long since I have had really good fried chicken. It goes without saying that it was perfectly fried and juicy. My favorite part of the meal was the heirloom tomato salad. A simple salad topped with bacon and the best blue cheese I have ever tasted. It was only a week ago that I mentioned that I just don't like blue cheese anymore, and then I find this one from the Pt. Reyes Creamery. I actually drove all the way out to Pt. Reyes Station just to pick some up and bring back to Alaska. The little cornbreads made in Madeleine pans were a nice touch as well. Oh, and it didn’t hurt that half way into the meal a movie star was seated an elbows length away.
Tartine- Well, what can I say about Tartine that hasn’t already been said? I think the thing that shocked me the most is that I almost missed the place due to how non-descript the building was.
Lemon Ladies- If you have been following this blog, you know I love Meyer Lemons. I have been ordering lemons from Karen Morss for years. I was finally able to meet her and the lovely lemon ladies (the trees). This one you don’t have to go to San Francisco to do, Karen ships all over the United States, even Fairbanks!
Omnivore Books- I could have spent an entire day in this place. They had so many great imports, and older books as well. I’m still in awe of how they fit so many great cookbooks in such a small space. The manager was also wonderfully helpful. Although she admitted she didn’t eat out much, her restaurant recommendations were spot on.
Bi-Rite Creamery and Market- These two places were the highlight of my trip. Salted Caramel Ice Cream at the creamery was addictive. I won’t admit how many times I stopped in that week, but let’s just say they recognized me and knew what I wanted the last time I stopped in. The Market half a block down is wonderful for stocking up on goods to take home. They also carry St. Benoit yogurt, which I ate my share of over the week.
Pizzeria Delfina- Just down the road from Bi-Rite. I have eaten a lot of pizza in my life, this would be in the top three of all time best. Their homemade sausage and perfectly tender crust is my new bar in home pizza making. The wine list is pretty spectacular for a pizza joint. The fact that they are a 30 second walk to Bi-Rite Creamery really sweetens the deal.
Burma Superstar- Fermented tea leaves and fried garlic never tasted so good. I will crave their Tea leaf salad for the rest of my life. It is places like this that making eating out a pleasure. Never could I re-create this salad in my own home. That really makes the place feel special.
Sebo- The manager at Omnivore books told me this sushi would change my life. I didn’t know that meant I would be broke afterward. The sushi here is very expensive, but dare I say worth it? I say go, sit at the sushi bar, eat as many pieces of Nigiri as you can afford. That is what I did.
Boulette’s Larder- This is the spot in the Ferry Building where I had lunch with Ruth Reichl. We both had the Albondigas. The best meatballs I have ever eaten in my life, so tender you could have eaten them with a spoon. I was such a nervous wreck during our lunch that I wasn’t able to eat very much, so I took them in a doggie bag and proceeded to scarf them down when I got a few blocks away from the ferry building. Even cold, they were still the best meatballs I have ever eaten.
Dynamo Donuts- This was one of the places that I knew I had to go to. I have had this planned out for months. For some reason I didn’t get there until the second to last day of my trip. This is probably a good thing as all the flavors were just amazing. I ended up ordering four donuts and eating ¼ of each of them. Maple Glazed Bacon Apple, Meyer Lemon Huckleberry, Coconut, and Caramel de Sel were my choices. I really wanted to try Lemon Pistachio, but five donuts just for me seemed a little excessive. The person at the counter assured me that people order one of each of the dozen flavors all the time. Each of the donuts was perfectly crafted. I loved that the flavors were subtle which made mixing and matching so much easier. My hands down favorite was the Meyer Lemon Huckleberry.
123 Bolinas- I was so tired after my crazy week and a long drive this day. 123 Bolinas in Fairfax was just what I needed. This wine bar made me wish we had just one place like this in Fairbanks. It is the perfect place to meet a new friend for a long chat. That is just what Shae and I did. I found Shae when she wrote about High Bush Cranberries and Fairbanks on her blog. We knew we would have a lot and common and decided to meet in Fairfax. We talked non-stop for two hours and on the drive back to San Francisco I kept thinking about all the things I still wanted to ask her about. Good thing she will be back in Fairbanks next summer. I'm totally jealous that she gets this place as her local watering hole.
Commis- This was the cherry on top of an amazing week. This was also my first experience with a Michelin starred restaurant. Everything was so well choreographed that I felt like I was part of a dance performance rather than a meal. The whole evening just flew by. It felt like I had only been there for 20 minutes, but almost as though I had been hypnotized it had been over two hours. As I walked out the door I felt like I had just spent the day at the spa. Never have I had this type of experience with a meal. The food and wine were perfectly paired. The absolute lack of décor made the food and wine the central focus of the experience. The staff was welcoming and attentive even though I got lost on my way and showed up ½ hour late. If I ever get back to San Francisco, this place will be at the top of my list for places to return.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Whole Wheat Carrot Gnocchi
The presentation at the Herbst Theater was a little odd. First of all the Giants were playing (and winning) that night, so the crowd would erupt into random cheers for no apparent reason. They were also having a lot of trouble with their sound equipment. Luckily, I had already purchased Mark Bittman's new cookbook and made these gnocchi before I left. I'm not sure the presentation would have sold me on the book. I can tell you these gnocchi with our local Fairbanks carrots were superb, I highly recommend them. They are very light, so they are best served as an appetizer or a side dish.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Marie-Helene’s Apple Cake

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